What’s more classic than a mom’s homemade chocolate chip cookies?

As a mom of three, baking always kept me in the kitchen… and what’s more classic than a mom’s homemade chocolate chip cookies? When my kids would come home from school, or when they would bring friends over, I always found them asking for cookies. That’s when I set out to perfect the best chocolate chip cookie recipe. I experimented and tested until I finally came out with the perfect recipe. Cold butter, flour, sugar, dark brown sugar, semi-sweet chocolate chips, and milk chocolate chips are all essential to my decadent tasting cookies. Soon enough everyone I knew, including strangers, began telling me that my cookies were the most delicious they’ve EVER tried. My cookies became a staple in my kitchen and on many of my friends’ and families’ kitchen tables. MF’s Kookies were a party staple.

When the cookie requests from my family, my kids' friends, and my friends became excessive, I had to come up with a way to give them fresh baked cookies so I could have a night off? The easiest solution was baking my cookies in bulk, putting them in the freezer, and pulling them out for a quick blast in the oven before serving. The idea was simple and it worked perfectly. Bake, freeze, and serve. I started researching the grocery freezer aisles and discovered there were no companies offering fully baked cookies.

After years and years of my family and friends proposing that I start selling my cookies, I finally put in the work to begin MFKookies. My kookies will leave you wanting more and now you can enjoy fresh baked cookies anytime without pulling out a bowl!
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